#EUReferendum, Christianity

Looking ahead to God’s future…

I woke up this morning, like many others, to surprising news about the #EUReferendum. What a night!

The political campaigns have dominated our headlines for many months, and today, both inside and outside of the church, some will be rejoicing and some will be very disappointed.

As a nation, we need time to evaluate the choice that has been made, and when we have processed the decision, we need to look forward to the future.

When we are reading the newspapers or looking at bad reports on Social Media, it can be easy to be fearful and feel concerned about the future. However, even in the middle of turmoil, we can experience God’s rest and have His peace guard our hearts and minds.

In uncertain times like these, we need to remain focused on who we are in God. As believers, we are in this world but we are really citizens of the Kingdom of God. God’s Word says that we are ambassadors to this world, and it is our job as believers and as the Church to be salt and light to the world around us.

I believe that in the days to come, the Church is being presented with a wonderful opportunity. If we stand together united and work hard to preserve the bond of unity, we could see an unprecedented change in our country.

I believe there is a much bigger picture, and God often does not reveal the whole plan to us immediately. He shows us step by step, and as the saying goes, ‘the opportunity of a lifetime has to be taken in the lifetime of the opportunity.’

What if we were to dream and begin to see a field of opportunity? What if we could see a Church which rises up in unity to bring truth and salt and light to our world? God could be positioning and appointing His people for a far greater plan than anything we could have ever imagined.

Despite how we each might be feeling today, whether we are disappointed or rejoicing, let us still keep our focus on God and what He is doing. With the prospect of a new Government being formed, let us also pray ‘in the gap’ for Godly leaders to be raised up. Let’s pray that God’s man or woman will be appointed for the job ahead.

If you are unsure of how to pray, then why don’t we join together and pray as Jesus said we should: Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.


5 thoughts on “Looking ahead to God’s future…

  1. Praise the Lord for this encouragement! I am excited because I know so often throughout history God has pulled the rug from under our feet to wake up His people from the apathy we so often find ourselves in! Let’s pray for a fresh anointing on His people through out this nation so we can be the light He has asked us to be sharing His Salvation and love to others around us who are fearful!


  2. A wonderful opportunity ahead for the Nation to re-evaluate its core values. For Christians to rise up and be part of that process.


  3. I am a EU citicen and have lived in the UK for nearly 30 years. God does not have a soft spot for this country he loves Europe too. I am so thankful that my true home is in God’s Kingdom and that one day Jesus will return and not only judge nations but also every motive.


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