
Steward your capacity in the workplace

Praise God that we have all been given gifts, talents and abilities in order to multiply the opportunities that God presents to us throughout our lives. And it’s important to recognise that faithful stewardship will lead us to discover the value in every opportunity. It is when we value our God given assignment, take it seriously and are faithful in the little things that He will enlarge our capacity by positioning us to steward even greater things. Here is what Jesus said: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things’ (Matthew 25:21 NIV).

Many years ago, when I was a janitor in a corporate organisation, I discovered a revelation that changed the course of my working life. I discovered that once you take a new job it really takes some time to settle in and know every aspect of it, however, after a while it is very evident that once you are totally confident in the execution of your job role, you discover your extra capacity. Observing my peers at that time it became clear to me that anyone in the working place will after a while release a minimum capacity of 20%.

However, the big question is, how best to steward this extra capacity to honour God as Christians in the workplace. Here are some principles that I have learned and have become part of my working life since then and until now: 

  1. Work is God’s call for all. The first thing that God gave mankind is WORK (see Genesis 2:15 NIV). We have been called to work and it’s a privilege to know that through work we can contribute to society.
  1. God is the ultimate boss. Colossians 3:23-24 says: ‘Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.’
  1. God’s standards are far greater. I can tell you that God’s standards are far higher than any standard set by men/women, therefore, although I have great respect to all authority over me, I must confess that my real boss has always been and will always be God my Heavenly Father. Colossians 3 tells us, ‘And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (v. 17 NIV).
  1. God expects us not to waste our capacity. In the early period of my working life in retail I learned to invest my spare capacity by making myself available to other departments to help them, especially in time of crises, which increased my knowledge in the retail field, making me ready and available for new opportunities. So, if you recognise you have spare capacity, my advice to you is make sure you invest it wisely.
  1. God’s Word is the Manual for success. Praise God that the Bible is a library of 66 books, sprinkled with great principles for success even in the workplace. And I can tell you that it was the Bible used as my daily manual that led me to reach the heights that I never thought possible, such as the Boardroom, from starting my working life as a janitor.
  1. God expects total commitment. What does it mean to commit your works unto the Lord? ‘Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.’ (Proverbs 16:3 NIV). In other words, it is to completely give our work over to God while depending on Him. When we ‘commit’ our works to the Lord we totally depend on God in our work, and He will help us to discover and establish His plans through His divine purpose. So, remember, commitment is not an option but a necessity and here is a promise worth standing upon: ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths’ (Proverbs 3:5-8 ESV).  

Stewardship requires faithfulness. Why? Because success never happens overnight and God requires us to be good stewards by making sure that we are investing in our extra capacity. The psalmist tells us: For exaltation comes neither from the east Nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, And exalts another’ (Psalms 75:6-7 NKJV). So, beware and let’s be smart by being a good steward even in the work place.


Can they tell?

In Acts 4 we are told that, ‘When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realised that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus’ (v. 13 NIV).

The real question for us today is; how did they know? Here we have two different men hanging around together, one called Peter who, in spite of his strong character and saying that he would never leave Jesus, denied Him not just once but three times; and the other called John who had a pretty steady and consistent character. On that day the council, the religious leaders, perceived something that set Peter and John apart from the religious people of their day.

This provoked me to ask the question, as the world looks upon me, upon us, WHAT CAN THEY TELL when we are at home, at work, in our community? So, to help us navigate this world in which we live today, in these very challenging times, let’s look at the characteristics of Peter and John that set them apart from others.

  1. They reflected the compassion of Christ

The biblical definition of compassion is: ‘the awareness of the need of others with a compelling desire to eradicate their need’.

Therefore, they demonstrated their compassion by a) going together to the temple to pray, in other words to stand in the gap for others and intercede on their behalf (as written in Acts 3:1: ‘Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer’) and b) in the power of the Holy Spirit the man stuck at the temple gate called Beautiful was completely healed.

Let me break down further my understanding of compassion:

–         Compassion is not found in religion but in relationship.

–         Compassion is being ready to get involved to help others, it’s what I would call compassion in action. These two men stopped and focused their attention on a man in desperate need. Peter spoke to the man with authority, gave his right hand, lifted him up on his feet and the man walked away completely healed.

–          Compassion also has a cost. Acts 4 tells us that they were arrested, ‘They seized Peter and John and…they put them in jail until the next day‘ (v. 3 NIV).

May we all reflect Christ’s compassion as we journey this life in our endeavours to affect the lives of desperate people around us, that the world will recognise not only that we have been with Jesus but that Jesus lives within us.

  1. They display tremendous courage and boldness  

Acts 4: declares, ‘Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”’ (v. 18-20 NIV).

Their courage and boldness are an example to us today. As they stood firmly on their conviction to not keep silent but to stand for what was right – so should we! May we ask God to enlarge our capacity to be filled afresh with the power of His Holy Spirit to be courageous and bold, to stand against the attacks of the Enemy.

  1. They were totally committed to serve

‘Commit’ is a word that in Hebrew literally means ‘to roll’. When we ‘commit’ or ‘roll’ our works to the Lord, we are offering everything we do completely to Him.

Not only were they committed to Jesus but also to one another, as they were partnering together in the gospel. Commitment is not to be taken lightly; here is God’s promise to us today ‘Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday’ (Psalm 37:5-6 NKJV).

It is also important to note that their commitment was demonstrated in their unity. Here is what they did: they praised the Lord together, prayed with great boldness together, were thirsty for God’s Word to be manifested amongst them together. God declares in His Word; ‘where there is unity, God commands the blessings’ (see Psalm 133:1-3 NIV), which releases His manifested presence through boldness and courage in the Holy Spirit. Acts 4 tells us what happened: ‘After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly’ (v. 31 NIV).

So, it’s not surprising that the religious people of their day ‘took note that these men had been with Jesus’ (Acts 4:13 NIV). May this be said about ALL of us as we continue to serve God faithfully in whatever capacity we have been called into.

Let me leave you with this question; as the world looks upon us ALL today, CAN THEY TELL THAT WE HAVE BEEN WITH JESUS? If not, let’s reconsider our priorities and make sure that we spend time with Jesus and never, ever forget that each one of our lives is a billboard to the world in which we live in. So, WHAT MESSAGE ARE WE PROMOTING? 


Who can restore a wrecked life?

Man may be able to restore a ship wreck, but only our God can restore a wrecked life!  

WHY? Because ‘what is impossible with man is possible with God’ (Luke 18:27 NIV).

If you were to explore the bottom of the sea bed you would discover many shipwrecks – boats that may have been destroyed during war time or by tragic accidents or been caught up in destructive storms. However, there are more wrecks on land than there are in deep seas and they are human lives.

What do we mean by this? Well, let’s first understand the definition of a wreck: ‘something that has been badly damaged/destroyed or someone that has suffered ruin or dilapidation’. I believe that sadly in this broken world there are many human wrecks. Many even use the expression, ‘I feel like a wreck’ or ‘my life is just a wreckage’. In other words, they feel totally hopeless, but we know that sin is the cause of this broken world, for without Christ there is no hope. Sin, which means ‘missing the mark’, has caused man to miss his or her ultimate purpose here on earth and suffer its consequences.    

Here is what Scripture tells us:

‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23 NIV).

‘None is righteous, no, not one’ (Romans 3:10 NIV).

‘Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came’ (Romans 5:12 NIV).

Yes, man became a wreck through disobedience, because Paul as reminds us; we are ‘dead in trespasses and sins’ (Ephesians 2:1 NKJV). But be encouraged, for there is hope, meaning a joyful expectation that something good is about to happen. Scripture tells us in God’s is ‘not willing that any should perish’ (2 Peter 3:9 NKJV). And because of His extravagant love for all, He made a way to restore humanity by coming to seek and save that which was lost; in another words, to restore our wrecked lives out of despair and eternal damnation. 

So, let’s look at three types of wreck and see how Jesus dealt with them during His time on earth:

  1. Only Jesus is able to restore completely any moral wreck

John 4 tells us of the woman at the well who came to draw water and then had an amazing encounter with Jesus, and then experienced a total life transformation which led to the first recorded revival in the Gospels (see John 4:1-26 NIV). Just as Jesus did not judge her because of her lifestyle, nor will He judge you. You may say; ‘David, if you knew what I’ve done, you would understand that there is no hope for me’. You may be like this woman, thirsty for true satisfaction. Well, come to Jesus and He will quench your thirst like no-one else can and totally restore your wrecked life.

  1. Only Jesus is able to restore completely any physical wreck

In John 5, we have the account of a man who was a physical wreck; paralysed for 38 years (see John 5:1-15). But when he met Jesus, he was totally healed of his paralysis. The same compassion that Jesus demonstrated to the man is still available for you today, irrespective how bad your physical needs are. Jesus has not changed – He is still the same yesterday, today and for ever. He cares for you and he is still the divine physician, able to heal and restore you right now as you call upon His name.

  1. Only Jesus is able to restore completely any spiritual wreck

In John 3 we have a man called Nicodemus; he was a very religious man but he recognised that his religion only made him a spiritual wreck (see John 3:1-21 NIV). He desired to meet with Jesus and he allowed Him to restore his life from religiosity to relationship with Jesus. You see, religions are man’s search for God – the gospel is God’s search for man. There are many religions in our world today, but only one gospel. You may be very religious, but that does not make you a born-again Christian no more that living in a garage makes you a car! If you have not yet experienced this new birth that Nicodemus discovered, let me encourage you to do what Nicodemus did – come to Jesus as you are, leave your religiosity aside, and start a relationship with Christ. Your life will never be the same again. You’ll experience not just life, but life to the full, as Jesus promised in John 10:10. 

Let me conclude with the story of the Mary Rose, King Henry VIII’s favourite ship, which sank in 1545 before his very eyes as it was leaving Portsmouth harbour. A search for the wreckage started in 1965, then it was identified in 1971 and lifted in 1982. The Mary Rose is now located within Portsmouth Historic Dockyard and attracts many visitors every year. The wreck has not been restored but conserved as it was found. Man could restore the Mary Rose to its original beauty like he can restore many things, but only God can restore completely a wrecked life, for ‘what is impossible with man is possible with God’ (Luke 18:27 NIV). Whatever wreck you may feel you are, whether morally, physically or spiritually, let me tell you there is truly hope for you today. Jesus is faithful, able, true to His Word and a real hope in time of need. So come to Him now and watch this space!


Where does your confidence lie?

Recently I had the honour and privilege to be speaking at the NTCG Convention and the theme for the event was ‘CONFIDENCE IN GOD’. What an appropriate theme for the season we are in! 

We are in a world where confidence is being shaken in every way; in government leaders, in the economy, in health care, life in general and much more. 

Also, we live in a world where self-confidence is the phrase of this century. There’s so much talk about self-confidence and how important it is. Yes, confidence is important, however as Christians, do we really think we should be relying on ourselves instead of God? Well, my answer is simple: ‘absolutely not!’

Why do we all need to have confidence in God today in this challenging world? Well, the first step is that we all need to have a relationship with our creator who wants to be our Heavenly Father, for He has made a way through His son Jesus Christ to transfer us from a shaken kingdom to His kingdom which will never be shaken.

And when we are in relationship with God, we have the confidence to not only share our lives with Him but with all those God puts in our path. When we believe that His Word is in us there is nothing that can stop us from reflecting God’s love to others and helping others to discover and embrace God for themselves. We can experience confidence in the most reliable person in the world; our Lord and Saviour.

Let’s look closely at four areas where we can be confident in God:

  • Confidence in God’s providence

God’s providence is God’s caring provision for his people as he guides them in their journey of faith through life, accomplishing his purpose in and through them. Remember, God’s ultimate mission is to save people and shape them to be more like Christ.

  • Confidence in God’s purpose 

This declares why you exist. It captures the heart of why you are on this planet Earth and why Jesus died for you. It defines your life, not in terms of what you think but in terms of what God thinks about you. In fact, it anchors your life in the character and call of God and brings meaning to your life. 

Please never forget that all human beings were and are created with the intent of not just experiencing life but enjoying abundant living. And that is for you too! They were created to experience fruitfulness and growth, multiplication and expansion, and much more, and they are all part of God’s plan. Remember, we are called to be good stewards of everything that God has entrusted us with during our time here on earth, so let’s not confuse purpose with performance. Too many lose their ultimate purpose because they focus only on what gratifies their ego – so beware! 

  • Confidence in God’s presence 

God’s presence is everywhere. This is sometimes called Omnipresence.

Moses declared, ‘I will not go unless your presence comes with me’ (see Exodus 33:15 NIV). Moses knew the value of God’s presence, so much so that he essentially said, ‘unless God’s presence is with me, my life is meaningless’.

However, knowing God’s presence is one thing, but knowing his manifested presence is another. Too many have no knowledge of His presence apart from their initial encounter at salvation. Although they are carrying His presence with them wherever they go, in reality they have never experienced His manifested presence in their daily lives. If that is you, let me encourage you: allow God by His Holy Spirit who lives within you to be manifested in you and through you, and I can promise you that your world will change for ever.

  • Confidence in God’s power 

Scripture tells us ‘”not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit” says the Lord’ (Zechariah 4:6 NIV).

We have been given power, by faith, to govern and control all things, both temporal and spiritual. To work miracles, to become victorious and not victims, to stand in the presence of God and be like Him because we have received the gift of faith, and through Christ have access to His power. In other words, let us use the fulness of the Godhead that lives within us and experience victorious living.

Let’s briefly look at what God declares in His Word about ‘CONFIDENCE IN HIM’: 

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need’ (Hebrews 4:16 ESV).

For the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught’ (Proverbs 3:26 ESV).

And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us’ (1 John 5:14 ESV).

‘Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.’ (Hebrews 10:35 ESV)

Yes, we all need to have confidence in God, but the real question is; where does true confidence come from? Well, Scripture tells us it can only come from Christ. Why? Because He is not only the way and the life but He is truth Himself, and if your confidence is coming from any other source, it will fail you in the end. So today, put your confidence in the one who really cares for you and wants you to enjoy life to the full, and His name is Jesus. 

So, what is confidence and why is it so important for us today as believers to know what it truly means, as opposed to its meaning in modern society?

Well, confidence can be described as faith, trust, belief and much more.

God’s confidence is when your faith is rooted and grounded in who you are in Jesus Christ. 
It is about being confident in who God is, in the finished work of Christ on the cross and experiencing the power of His resurrection.

It means completely relying on the strength of God and not your own strength. 

God’s confidence has unlimited possibilities when we are truly confident and secure in who we are in Christ.

People’s opinions and views of us cannot control us; they cannot define us or our future. What matters is God’s view of you and who he says you are.

Your new life as you know it is wrapped up in Christ and in Christ you are a new creation. so BE CONFIDENT IN HIM WHO IS, WHO WAS, AND WHO WILL BE. He is immovable, incredible, His providence can be relied upon. Remember, He has made us purposeful, He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us and He has given us all authority and power to be victorious in this life. So today, enjoy your relationship with your God and PUT YOUR CONFIDENCE IN HIM.


Discover God’s Abundant Peace

‘The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 4:6-7 ESV)

How do we discover God’s abundant peace in the middle of your toughest trials? Let’s look first at the context of Paul’s letter to the Philippians and his declaration about the peace that surpasses all understanding. Where was Paul when he wrote the letter? It is so important to understand that Paul wrote these words while suffering with great physical pain, but in spite of his pain he was willing to give thanks to God from the depth of his prison cell, even in the middle of his toughest circumstances. Paul knew that only God could guard his heart and mind, even in his time of isolation and loneliness. Why? Well, let’s look at three ways that Paul managed to keep strong against all the odds, that can help us today to find real peace that surpasses all understanding:


By hearing God’s voice and abiding in His Word, Paul was able to abide daily with his Lord, for to abide means to ‘stay’ or ‘remain’. Yes, to abide in the Lord means that we continually receive, believe and trust that Jesus is all we need. We should never forget that just as it was for Jesus’ early disciples, our faith will also be tested. So, when you feel the heat of the test, that’s when you must intentionally keep His Word in you, which means that His Word must be our constant guide and compass. When His Word dwells within us it will shape our thoughts, words and actions so that we can bear not just fruit, nor more fruit; but much fruit, and fruit that will remain.


Paul’s declaration was, ‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God’ (Philippians 4:6 NIV). Even though he was in prison he took the focus from himself and still encouraged the Philippians to pray, to rejoice, and not to be anxious for anything. In Scripture Jesus talks about faith versus anxiety: ‘Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?’ (Matthew 6:27 NIV). He continues saying in verse 28, ‘and why do you worry about clothes? Consider how the lilies of the field grow: they do not labour or spin.’ In other words, He’s telling His followers that He’s got it covered and if they have any doubt they need only notice the carefree attitude plants have. God commands us not to wrestle over problems but rather to leave our troubles, stresses and concerns to Him for His personal attention. And as we ask God for solutions we should do so with a grateful heart, demonstrating that we trust totally in Him to be the God who answers prayer. That’s what we call faith, so simple and yet so difficult for us as we often choose to stress over our problems. Struggling over our worries assumes we have more power and control than we do, but true freedom from worry comes from releasing them to God. So here is my advice: let them go!


Paul’s focus was not on himself but in spite of his own circumstances he was willing to encourage others. He did that by intentionally writing a letter to the Philippian church, so let me encourage you to find a way to serve someone else and that will redirect your attention from yourself and allow you to bless and care for someone who God has placed on your heart. Over the years, for me this has been texting words of encouragement as well as scriptures, writing blogs, recording messages and praying for others, and I can honestly tell you it definitely takes your focus away from your own problems, difficulties, and anxieties. Why don’t you try it for yourself? So today, intentionally abide in God’s Word, don’t make anxiety and worry your focus and invest your time in blessing others, just as Paul did in the middle of his own trials. Lastly, remember:

• The Lord is nearby! 

• Don’t be anxious about anything. 

• Instead, with thanksgiving tell your requests to God. 

• And experience the peace that surpasses all understanding that will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.


How do we soar on wings like eagles? – Part 2

Last week, we looked at Isaiah 40:31 which tells us, ‘Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles’ (Isaiah 40:31 NIV). We started to look at some of the characteristics of the eagle that can help all of us in our Christian walk to go to higher levels by soaring on wings like eagles. So today, let’s focus on three more characteristics in readiness to embrace an unprecedented move of God:

  • Eagles are fearless

You’ll find that an eagle is fearless and will never yield to whatever challenges it may face; even the size or strength of its prey will not deter it. It fights to win, not to capitulate. This reminds me of this statement made by Napoleon Hill: ‘a quitter never wins and a winner never quits!’
Can I suggest, although in no doubt Satan is the fierce Enemy of our souls and will bring all kinds of challenges to hinder God’s intention for us to reach new levels, we need to be aware that also our greatest enemy very often is ourselves, allowing us to be crippled by fear that negates our faith. Although faith is not the absence of fear, but the mastering of it, let’s stand on God’s Word that declares ‘who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world’ (1 John 4:4 NIV). So, like the eagle, face your problems face on, ‘BE FEARLESS,’ and never forget our Almighty God is on your side and will help you by His Holy Spirit to reach levels beyond your expectations.

  • Eagles are courageous

Eagles may seem shy and avoid people and other threats, however, don’t be deceived: if an eagle has to protect itself and their family, they will display their courage at its best and demonstrate their power to fight. In life we also face obstacles that seem bigger than we can cope with, however, remember God’s Word to Joshua ‘be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go’ (Joshua 1:9 NIV). If there was a time where we needed to stand and be courageous it is now! So today, BE COURAGEOUS FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD IS WITH YOU!

  • Eagles embrace a personal renewal/revival

When eagles reach the age of 40 years, they become weak and their survival becomes challenging. If they choose the path to regain their strength they have to go through a process of rebirth. They retire to a lonely place for five months where they undergo a painful process which concludes with them having a new beak, new talons and new feathers. This process brings a renewal and extends their life by up to 30 years.

What an important lesson for us today! Life will take us through times of pain which will reshape us in readiness for us to experience the promise of an unprecedented move of God. But we must be willing to embrace a renewal in the Holy Spirit, which is a personal revival, and that will mean we need to change our habits and leave our comfort zone and sometimes even to go a step further: that is having to die to self, allowing us to start a renewed life full of the Holy Spirit, strength and wisdom, to fulfil our God-given assignment.

In conclusion: If we are to endure these very challenging days, let’s be like the eagle: FEARLESS, and remember that God is bigger and more powerful than anything we might fear. Let’s not allow fear to hold us back from doing His will. We cannot only trust God in the absence of fear but rather trust Him despite fear. With God by your side, you can be fearless as well as being COURAGEOUS. Know that God will not fail you or forsake you as you step in faith in what He has called you to do. In these times of shaking, remember that politicians may be able to change laws but they can’t change hearts, and for true revival to happen there must be a change of heart. Only the work of the Holy Spirit has the power to transform lives. So today, be FEARLESS, COURAGEOUS and be RENEWED in hope, which is a joyful expectation that something good is about to happen. And –


‘Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.’ (Isaiah 40:31 NIV)

  • You are the eagle
  • The wings of the eagles represent your faith and trust in God
  • The wind currents that the eagles fly on represent the Holy Spirit

The Emmaus Road – Part 2

Let’s stay in Luke 24 and focus on this verse which says – ‘Suddenly, their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him’ (v. 31 NIV).

Let me continue to paraphrase the account in Luke 24 where, in the middle of their sadness and disappointment, Jesus appears to the two disciples but they did not recognise Him. After they urged and pleaded with the stranger to remain with them, Jesus went with them into the village and joined them at the table for supper, took bread, blessed it and broke it, then gave it to them. Suddenly, their eyes were opened and they realised He was Jesus! Then in a flash, Jesus vanished from before their eyes!

Just imagine how they must have felt: one moment they were enjoying His presence, His words, then suddenly their eyes were opened to who was in their midst, the very Jesus that they were talking about – and in a split second he vanishes! 

Do you know that you can be in the very presence of Jesus and not recognise Him? That’s what happened with those two disciples on the Emmaus Road. They journeyed with Him, talked to Him, heard Him speaking powerful words, to the point that once Jesus left them, they said to each other at ‘Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us on the road?’ (v. 32 NKJV.)

You see, we can be so close to Jesus and yet so far. Many today have journeyed with Jesus, talked to Him, heard Him and yet not recognised Him. Today, may God open our eyes and gives us a fresh revelation of Himself, that His Word may once again burn within us, spurring us on to go and tell the good news that Jesus is risen!

The word SUDDENLY speaks of an unexpected event. The word ‘suddenly’ should be very important for us all today because it reminds us that just at our point of need, just when we need Him most, that is when Jesus wants to reveal Himself to us! And that is what these two disciples experienced after the resurrection when Jesus met them. In an instant, hope and peace was restored – they could see a future. They knew they would get through their disappointments and in that moment, they experienced the power of His resurrection for themselves.  

You see, resurrection power is the work of God in the life to come that reaches into our present and brings us into a union with Him. Did you know that resurrection power is working in us now? All who know Jesus as their personal Saviour can activate the resurrection power inside them. That is what the apostle Paul said; ‘I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead’ (Philippians 3:10 NLT). And today, we too can experience that very same power!

Last weekend, Easter weekend, we remembered the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He experienced willingly to provide us with abundant life for now and for eternity. Sadly, it is often celebrated by most people only as a once-a-year event, yet we are meant to live and operate in resurrection power every day!

So, today let’s open our eyes to the risen Lord and once again allow His word to burn within each one of us and activate the resurrection power by allowing Jesus Christ to reveal Himself afresh into our life as our Lord and Saviour. Let’s experience every yoke that we carry to be destroyed under His resurrection power and enjoy every part of THE BLESSING that Christ has released by giving us eternal life.


The Emmaus Road – Part 1

After reflecting on Good Friday and praising God for all what He has done for all of us on the cross, we find ourselves here, on this Easter Sunday morning. What better time to revisit the account recorded in Luke 24 of what happened to two of Jesus’ disciples and to see what we can learn from their amazing Resurrection Sunday experience.

Let me paraphrase the story:

Later that same day, two of Jesus’ disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, a journey of about seventeen miles. They were in the midst of a discussion about all the events of the last few days, when suddenly Jesus walked up to them and went along with them on their journey. Now, they were unaware that it was actually Jesus walking alongside them, for God prevented them from recognising him. Jesus said to them, ‘You seem to be in a deep discussion about something. What are you talking about, so sad and downcast?’ They stopped, and one of them called Cleopas asked him, ‘Haven’t you heard? Are you the only one in Jerusalem unaware of the things that have happened over the last few days?’

Jesus asked, ‘What things?’ ‘The things about Jesus, the man from Nazareth,’ they both replied. ‘He was a mighty prophet of God who performed miracles, signs and wonders. His words were powerful and he had great favour with God and the people. But three days ago, the high priest and the rulers of the people sentenced him to death and had him crucified. We had hoped that he was the one who would redeem and rescue Israel. But not only that, early this morning, some of the women informed us of something amazing. They said they went to the tomb and found it empty. They claimed that two angels appeared and told them that Jesus is now alive. Some of us even went to see for ourselves and found the tomb exactly as the women had said – empty. But you know what? No-one has seen him. We are confused, which is why we are sad and disheartened’ (see Luke 24:13-24 NIV).

So many today, on this Easter Sunday, will be sad and disheartened and broken by their own circumstances, not realising that Easter is much more than a religious event in the calendar – it is a message of hope to all mankind.  

Let’s get back to our story and find out what the disciples discovered. As they approached the village, Jesus walked on ahead, telling them he was going on to a different place. They urged him to remain there with them and pleaded, ‘Stay with us. It will be dark soon.’ So, Jesus went with them into the village. Joining them at the table for supper, he took bread and blessed it and broke it, then gave it to them. And suddenly their eyes were opened and they realised that he was Jesus!

Why did Jesus wait until he was at the table to reveal Himself? There is something relaxing about the fellowship of the table and I believe it’s a place of intimacy and friendship, a place where relationships are strengthened. Also, in breaking bread and drinking the wine He revealed to them that He had given Himself as their substitute and that He was now very much alive so that all may receive eternal life. That is how Jesus wants to make himself known to all those who don’t know Him and are in desperate need. Yes, He wants all to know that not only did He give himself and pay a price that we could not pay by dying in a very cruel way on a rugged cross, but to know that the grave could not hold Him. He truly rose on the third day as prophesied through His Word. So, at this Easter Sunday lunch table, stop and ask Jesus for a fresh revelation of the power that His resurrection can and will bring to anyone who believes and calls upon Him, that they will receive not only life but eternal life to the full.

Today, are you on the Emmaus Road? Are you sad, disappointed, feeling at a loss, asking about why your journey seems to be a never-ending one? Are you full of questions but have no answers? Well, just as these disciples experienced Jesus in that moment when he drew near to them, so can you. Jesus wants to draw near to you in your own situation. Don’t do what these two disciples did – don’t mistake Him as a stranger, but accept Him as your friend who wants to ask you this question; ‘WHY ARE YOU SAD?’ His question is really an invitation for you to discover Him and experience your heart burning with the flames of holy passion while He journeys with you and opens your eyes to the profound revelation of His resurrection.

So, this Easter, let the Emmaus Road story be more than a historical event – let it be a living experience for you now. Let it provide a pathway for you or anyone who wishes to move from disappointment to hope. May this journey of fresh revelation of the power of His resurrection renew your mind and instil a willingness to let go of your sadness and disappointment so you can go rejoicing, telling others of the true meaning of Easter that JESUS IS RISEN INDEED!!


How do we soar on wings like eagles? – Part 1

Recently, this scripture caught my attention! – ‘Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles’ (Isaiah 40:31 NIV). So let’s try to answer the question: how do we soar on wings like eagles?

Let’s learn how the characteristics of the eagle can help us in our Christian walk.

One of my favourite birds is the eagle. It is an incredibly powerful bird with the ability to fly at a high altitude. It flies where no other bird can fly and it would be classed for me as the king of all birds. Isaiah tells us that if we hope in the LORD our strength will be renewed and we’ll soar on wings like eagles (see Isaiah 40:31 NIV). You see, God desires for us not to flap, nor even fly, but to soar on wings like eagles. In other words, to reach high places beyond our imagination. Let’s start today to consider and see what life lessons we can learn about the eagle.

  • Eagles fly to heights where no others can fly.

Eagles don’t fly with sparrows, pigeons or with any other small birds. They fly alone and at high altitudes. What does that mean for us today? Don’t rub shoulders with narrow or low-minded people or with anyone that brings you down; remember you become what you focus upon. If you rub shoulders with like-minded people, people who have a great attitude to fly to high altitude, just like the eagle flies with other eagles, you will fly with high-minded people. It’s true to say that at the top it can be lonely; however, remember that God is with you and will never leave you nor forsake you, He has promised to be with you always. Don’t ever belittle yourself for what God has in store for you, which is higher levels to attain. He will renew your strength to not flap, nor fly but as His Word declares, to soar on wings like eagles.

  • Eagles have very focused vision.

Eagles have a piercing vision which is very precise. They have the capacity to focus on something as far as 5km away and they have an incredible focus – they will keep their sharp focus on their prey and not move until they seize it. We must have an undivided focus if we are to execute our God-given vision, in spite of whatever challenges we may face. So, let us be focused and give every effort, time and energy and watch what God will do as we stay focused on our God-given vision.

  • Eagles love storms.

When clouds gather, the eagle gets excited and ready themselves to use the raging storms and its high winds to lift them up above the clouds, giving them an opportunity to glide and rest their wings. We all face challenges in our lives, but we should know that these experiences will make us stronger in readiness to fly in high places. So, let’s use our storms of life to rise to greater heights and remind ourselves that achievers are not afraid to rise to greater levels, nor afraid of challenges, but in fact they relish high and strong winds, knowing that they will lead them to places others cannot reach! So, start to get excited when your storms arrive and get ready to catch the wind of the Holy Spirit to go higher than ever before.

  • Eagles feed on fresh food/meat.

Eagles feed only on FRESH PREY. That means for us we need to feed ourselves on the fresh bread of the WORD OF GOD and not rely on yesterday’s manna, as good as it may have been. If we are to grow spiritually and go onto maturity and higher levels then let’s move on from the milk of the Word to fresh solid food, just as instructed in the divine cookery book. Hebrews 5:14 reminds us that ‘solid food is for the mature’ (Hebrews 5:14 NIV). God wants us to grow! He wants us to move beyond the elementary stages of milk into solid food to enable us to grow into maturity, to have the strength to soar to higher levels. So, let’s get into the meat of God’s Word, ready to soar to your destined heights.

Let’s get back to our verse in Isaiah 40: ‘But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint’ (v. 31 NKJV).

Remember, God is trying to draw all of us into this specific scripture so we can grasp the revelation contained in it. If we are to wait upon the Lord and stay very focused, ready to catch the wind of the Holy Spirit and get into His Word daily, then we will not flap but soar into higher places that we could ever imagine to accomplish our God-given assignment. We shall run and not be weary, we will walk and not faint and that is only possible as we wait upon the Lord. Then, we’ll mount up with wings like eagles into heights that He has destined for each and every one of us. So, let’s wait in readiness for it and watch this space!


  • You are the eagle
  • The wings of the eagles represent our faith and trust in God
  • The wind currents that the eagles fly on represent the Holy Spirit

Victory over doubt – Part 2

So, what lessons can we still learn today from Peter’s experience of walking on water?

  • Storms will not keep you from peace once you know it’s found in the presence of Jesus

It’s interesting to note that Jesus did not calm the water as He came towards the disciples but on Peter’s request, Jesus invited him to walk on water in the middle of the storm. That speaks of Jesus being our peace in the middle of any rough storms of life. Our expectation is often for Jesus to calm the storm as He has on other occasions, but never forget we have never been promised a smooth ride, but we have been promised that Jesus will always be with us in our storms. The fact that Peter walked on water tells us that even in the tumult of life we can find true peace. The storms of life give us good reason to be afraid but Jesus is bigger than even the scariest of storms and remember, Jesus is your friend. 

  • Faith will always require you to step out of the boat

Remember, FAITH is spelled R.I.S.K., meaning as we said last week, believing is not enough. Too many have passive FAITH but what is required is ACTIVE FAITH. Anyone can step out of the boat when the waters are still, but to step out into rough water needs total reliance and trust upon our Lord. Why? Because peace is found in the presence of Jesus and nowhere else, even in the middle of the fiercest storm. So today, stop sitting on the edge of the boat and be bold and respond to Jesus when He tells you to come. Step out of the boat and experience the peace that surpasses all understanding, as Paul talks about in Philippians 4:6.

  • Without keeping your eyes on Jesus, you will sink

Peter’s walk on the water was short lived. Why? Because he took his eyes off Jesus. If we are truly honest, many of our defeats are due to the fact that we take our eyes from Jesus and focus on the storms, bringing us into a place of fear which will negate our faith. Just like Peter, many will start well and will boldly step out of the boat but soon be distracted by the elements of their own circumstances. Here is my advice: life is full of storms, big storms, storms that will destroy you unless you keep your eyes on Jesus. With Jesus, you are not only able to endure, you can walk on water above the storm. So today, keep your eyes on Jesus. 

  • Follow Jesus and He will do incredible things through you by His Holy Spirit, if you trust in Him

When you look at Peter’s life following his experience of walking on water, we see how strengthened he became in his service for the Lord. He became a great man of God doing great exploits for Him. Later with greater maturity Peter discovered strength and as he was charged by Jesus (see Luke 22:31-32 NIV) effected the strengthening of others. Finally, Peter survived his denial and is permitted to be the first of the Apostles to see Jesus after the Resurrection (see Luke 24:34 NIV). Also, I believe that Peter would have been talking about the time he walked on water for the rest of his life, not only what He experienced but what he learnt through it which made him stronger in his faith for the Lord. So, there is hope for all of us! God can use our failures, which by the way are not fatal, to lead us into maturity and use us still in an unprecedented way. Make sure that in whatever situation you find yourself, you obey God’s command to the letter, trust Him implicitly and make walking on water not just a once in a lifetime experience but rather a daily lifestyle.