Christian Media, Christian Radio, Christianity, Devotional, Evangelism, Faith, Healing, Hope, Miracles

Don’t despise ‘small beginnings’. (Zechariah 4-10)

In December 2013, I attended the funeral of a dear lady who was 99 years old. She had served God faithfully in the church (which my brother pastors in France), and for many years, her heart’s desire was to see a revival. In almost every meeting, her voice could be heard: ‘Lord, send yet again, a revival!’

I had the privilege of attending her funeral, and it was a truly remarkable occasion where the presence of God was felt so powerfully. My brother Daniel said to me ‘You need to preach in church on Sunday’, and the following weekend, which was the last Sunday of 2013, as I spoke, we began to see and feel the expectation level in the church rising up in an unprecedented way. This led to the beginning of a mighty move of God, and over the next few years, this move of God would lead to many people becoming saved and experiencing healing.

Sometimes I look back and wonder if the funeral of our dear 99-year-old friend was actually the spark that lit a flame. Although she did not live to see it, her faithful prayers over the years led to a new move of God.

I have been thinking about this recently as I have been closely watching world events.

All around us, large churches, which have seen 1000s of members walk through their doors each week, have had to go ‘back to basics’ and meet in small, sometimes online groups. Throughout the Covid crisis, we have been forced to look at how we do things smaller, rather than how we make them bigger.

And we are learning how to not despise ‘small beginnings’.

Just like our 99-year-old friend in the church, her prayer life may have seemed ‘small’ to some, but I believe her faithfulness (even to the end of her life) led to something very big being ignited.

Please don’t get me wrong. I love to see churches filled with many members, but I also believe that there is Biblical precedent for small gatherings too.

In Mark 5, Jesus goes to the home of Jairus to pray for Jairus’ daughter who was very sick. When Jesus arrived there, the Scripture tells us that there were many people present, many of whom were crying loudly and wailing. And Jesus quickly sent them out of the house so that there were just a few left.

It was in that very ‘small’ moment that an incredible miracle occurred, and the little girl, who by this point was dead, was now brought back to life. Often times, we can devalue and overlook what is seemingly little.

As Coronavirus has impacted churches all across the world and forced them back to ‘small beginnings’, it would be easy to see this as a setback, but what if this is a divine strategy to usher in a move of God like we have never seen before?

Matthew 18:20 says ‘Where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there I will be with them.’

The presence of God is just as powerful and real in a small gathering as He is present in a large gathering.

Even here at UCB, our wider team (of more than 100 staff and volunteers) is not able to meet together in person, but I am hearing stories of UCB teams meeting together online, sharing Bible studies, praying for each other in new ways.

I firmly believe that for us as an organisation, we will not be ‘returning to normal’. This pandemic is forcing us to think in new ways and to not ‘despise small beginnings’.

Throughout history, God has used small groups of people to ignite something big. From the disciples (just a group of 12 men) to people like my praying friend, small groups of faithful people have been powerfully used by God to usher in great moves of the Spirit.

If you are part of something ‘small’ today, can I encourage you to have a bigger vision for it? By embracing something small and allowing God to use it, you could be part of ushering in a new move of God.


Christian Media, Christian Radio, Christianity, Christmas, Devotional, Faith, Healing, Hope, Miracles

Life lessons from the Christmas story

I have been thinking this week about the story of Mary.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was given an extraordinary assignment, and if you have a dream and a vision for the future, her life story is a great encouragement.

Your past doesn’t matter

God gave Mary a special job, despite the fact that by human standards, she was too poor, too young and from the wrong part of town. God could have gone to the palaces to find a ‘suitable’ mother for the Messiah, but instead He chose an unknown girl from a poor village. To me, this is a reminder that our past, our background, or our culture is not a problem for God. When I arrived in the UK, I was a young foreigner, but God took hold of me and changed my life in unexpected ways. We are all born with a God-given purpose, and God loves to take insignificant people (in the world’s eyes) and birth significance into their lives.

A vision for the future can make you feel hopeless

This might seem like a strange thing to say, but often when God gives us a dream, we can feel hopeless. How will God accomplish such a thing? Is it possible? Have I imagined this? And yet, just like Mary, when God speaks to us and gives us a vision, His Holy Spirit can empower us, take us further than we could ever imagine, and make the impossible possible in our lives.

His Holy Spirit is bigger than our intellect, our talent and our ability. His Holy Spirit is bigger than our past, our culture, and our logic. But like Mary, we have to stop arguing with our reason and thinking and instead say ‘God, if you said it, I will align my will to your will.’

You have to step up

With any vision, talking about it or thinking about it won’t make it happen. When Gabriel visited Mary after the initial shock, she got up and went to visit Elisabeth. That was her response. And likewise with us, we have to form a response and begin to move forward into what God has called us to do. We might not immediately see results, but it is important to live in a culture which cultivates it. Surround yourself with people who will speak life into your vision, and like Mary, rub shoulders with people who will make that dream ‘leap’ within your spirit.

Be patient

Mary had to wait 9 months to see the fulfilment of the vision God had given her. You and I may have to wait much longer. The process of waiting for the dream to come true can be a time of real preparation.

Here at UCB, we believe God has given us a vision for an unprecedented move of God which will sweep the UK and beyond. We haven’t yet seen this (although we believe we are seeing small signs), so instead, we are preparing ourselves, our infrastructure, and our organisation to be ready for when it happens and so that we are able to support the Church 24/7, 365 days a year. Mary had to prayerfully get ready for the arrival of Jesus. She knew what was promised would come true, and so she began to prepare for what she knew was to come.

Don’t despise small beginnings

The arrival of Jesus was a low-key affair. There was no room at the inn for the newborn king. There was no fanfare from the palaces. There was no state announcement. In fact, if it were not for the angels who sang and the light of a star, His birth may have gone unnoticed for a long time. Jesus himself was placed in a feeding manger in rags: the most unassuming, ‘small’ beginning for the Saviour of the world. And yet, those small, humble beginnings led to the plan of salvation for all of mankind.

It’s important to remember that great things (just like oak trees) can have the smallest and most humble of beginnings.

Can I encourage you today that if you are waiting for God to fulfil your own vision and dream, be faithful to what you believe God has shown you. Use the time positively to prepare spiritually (and physically), and surround yourself with people who will help to keep you accountable.

If God has said it, it will come to pass.

Life lessons from the Christmas story

Christian Media, Christian Radio, Christianity, Devotional, Faith, Healing, Hope, Spiritual healing

When you feel crushed…

My family and I spent our Summer holiday in the Loire Valley, an area famous for its vineyards and wine making.  During my time there, I started to think about the journey of the grape and the long process it goes through from vine to wine glass. I felt God challenge me about that journey and how it could apply to the long process we each go through in life to become who God would have us to be.

If I was to imagine myself as a grape, this is what the process might feel like:

It is a fresh sunny day in early spring, and I am hanging on the vine with a bunch of others, covered with morning dew. I feel like I am part of something, and life’s prospects seem good, but then suddenly, the rain and hail hits.

I try to hide behind the vine leaf to shelter from the storm, but it is hard to keep dry, for the vine has been pruned back, and I am now exposed, unable to hide.

Where has the sun gone? Is this Spring or Winter? No one told me this would be so hard! It feels like hell. Surely this will be over soon?

And then after a turbulent and stormy and wet Summer, now Autumn has come. Early morning early frost settles on the vine, and again I found myself wanting to shelter, but then before I know it, it is harvest time, and suddenly, I am being picked from the vine.

There are loud engines and machines all around, and I find myself being ripped from all that is secure and safe.

I am put into a large, dark, smelly container and then turned into another metal large box, where I am being pressed and squeezed. My very shape itself is being moulded into something else, and all I can feel is intense pressure and deep, deep crushing. It hurts!

Finally, just when I think it is over, I am then poured into a wood barrel and wheeled into a dark cellar. Surely this is it? All this crushing, this pain, this change… surely I am now ready and finished? This must be the final stage which will last a few hours, no?

But no, this process takes a few years, and then something remarkable happens. Suddenly, a light shines into the darkness, and the wine is being tasted. ‘It is ready’, I hear the voices cry as they pour me into a much smaller container, a bottle.

There’s a label on the outside of the bottle to describe what I now am, but just when I think I am about to be released into my purpose, I am once again now laid carefully on a shelf to wait and wait and wait.

It seems as though the waiting goes on forever, but then once again, the light shines into the darkness, and I am being gently handled. The cork on the bottle is carefully removed, and I am being poured into a large glass. I can hear all the voices around the table, and I can hear the host of the party, saying ‘Try this fine wine… this is the best I have ever made.’

Everyone is smelling and swirling and tasting and agreeing with the host that this long process has been worth it all. All the seasons, all the crushing, the pressing, and the waiting has produced something that not only looks beautiful but which also smells and tastes wonderful.

If we apply the picture of a grape to our own lives, I am sure we will see many similarities.

We each walk through many seasons, many of them very painful, which at times feel as though they will never end.

And yet, through the whole process, God is making something beautiful and precious out of everything we go through.

What season are you in today? And if you were squeezed, what aroma, what taste would come from you? My prayer is that we can stand with Paul, who said ‘But I will rejoice even if my life is poured out like a liquid offering to God, over your sacrificial and surrendered lives of faith. And so no matter what happens to me, you should rejoice in ecstatic celebration with me!’ (Philippians 2:17).

I pray that whatever season you are in, you will believe and be encouraged that no matter what is happening, God can use this time to make something beautiful out of us.


Christian Media, Christian Radio, Christianity, Devotional, Evangelism, Faith, Healing, Hope

You are not a failure…

Failure is part of life. I can tell you this from personal experience. From seeing dreams not fulfilled to making regretful mistakes, we all have the capacity to fail. But failure can also be a fundamental process, the ‘missing ingredient’ which helps to push us toward success.

When we fail at something, our natural instinct is often to feel ashamed and disappointed. We don’t like feeling degraded and humiliated, but this is where we need to shift our thinking. If we can begin to see failure not as the end but as part of a valuable process on the way to success, we can learn a great deal.

Proverbs 23:7 says: ‘As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.’ And this is so true!

The way we think about ourselves will determine our beliefs. Our beliefs will determine our expectations, our expectations will determine our attitudes, our attitudes will determine our behaviour, our behaviour will determine our performance. And our performance will determine who we become, which ultimately determines our destiny.

We need to make sure that failure is seen from the right perspective: as the greatest teacher and not as the greatest shame! The sooner we stop devaluing ourselves because of our failures, the easier it will be to turn them to our advantage.

I remember as a child on my first day at a new school, a teacher asked the class what we wanted to do when we grew up. When it was my turn, I told her I wanted to be a surgeon, and she laughed and said ‘Do you realise David, that is a lot of studying? I can’t see you doing it. I can see you emptying dust bins.’

For many years, those words affected my thoughts. I felt like a failure, and I thought to myself ‘What is the point in trying if I am not capable of achieving much?’

However, when I rededicated my life to the Lord when I was 18, everything changed! I discovered what God thought about me and that His Words could erase the past and delete all the harmful words that had impacted my life. I remember as if it was yesterday! God gave me a dream that although I was a porter/cleaner at that point, I could get to the boardroom. I remember saying these words: ‘How can this be?’

I had messed up my education and had no qualifications. And yet I soon learned that God’s Word had everything I needed to educate me for a successful life. God was able to reveal business principles to help me with my dreams, and years later, my dream became a reality, when in 1995 I was appointed to lead a discount chain of a major organisation.

Here is what I’ve learned in that journey!

  • Man’s labels must not affect what I think about myself. The only labels that should shape my thought process should be the label that God has put on me! He says that I am called, that I am qualified, that with His power and strength is at work in me, and that I can do great exploits for the kingdom
  • Beware of how you think about yourself. Never forget that when you are speaking, YOU are listening. Negative self-talk can be very destructive, especially after failure or if you’re struggling with the labels that people have put on you. Ask God to help you resist the thoughts that lead you to label yourself as useless and worthless. God thinks more highly of you than you will ever imagine.
  • Remember that disappointment is inevitable, but make sure that it doesn’t take over your life. Pick yourself up after any failure and allow your failures to become your greatest teacher.
  • Your past failures will shape your future if you allow it, and too often we allow our past mistakes to define us.  WELL DON’T! Even failure does not have to be fatal… failure can be your greatest teacher! If your past is a total failure, your future does not depend on it. God can turn your past mistakes into miracles, for your future depends not on what you’ve done but on what He’s done for you.

Christian Media, Christianity, Devotional, Evangelism, Faith, Forgiveness, Healing, Hope, Miracles, Spiritual healing

Is God your Facebook friend only? Or much more?

A few days ago, we had a visitor to UCB, and as I walked into reception, a member of the team said to the guest: ‘This is David, do you know him?’

The guest said, ‘Yes, we are friends on Facebook.’

Later, I was thinking about this and realised that in many ways, for some of us this could be our main experience of God: we are ‘Facebook friends only.’ It might be that we have experienced Him in some way; we are acquaintances, but we are not in an intimate relationship with Him. We have lost our connection, and although we are still ‘friends’, He is not our confidant or the person we go to when we are in a storm.

As a young man, I used to cry out to God for a deeper relationship with Him, for an experience of His manifested presence. I wanted to know God in a deeper way. I wanted a visitation. It was frustrating waiting for that moment. But as I began to study the scriptures and seek God, I discovered something which blew my mind. You see, God’s manifested presence is already here!

In Genesis, we read the familiar story of Adam and Eve. God created these first humans to live daily in His presence in the garden of Eden. In the Hebrew language, ‘Eden’ refers to 3 words: spot, moment, presence. In other words, ‘The delightful spot on the earth where the manifested presence of God was an open door between heaven and earth.’

It is where God originally destined humans to exist. God created water for fish, air for birds, and for humans, He gave us His presence. Because it is in His presence that we discover true intimacy with God. It is the place where we are changed and where our situations, thinking, and the people around us are also transformed.

But as we know from Genesis, Lucifer did not like this. As a former angel himself, he too must have experienced the manifest presence and glory of God, but he wanted that glory for himself. He also knew just how powerful it was, and so he was on a mission to take it away from Adam and Eve. If he could somehow negotiate with them and persuade them (of their own will) to forsake the presence of God, he then knew that man would fail.

And we know that a decision made then by Adam and Eve had an impact on mankind for generations to come. But thank God that His original plan could not be thwarted or changed. Lucifer must have thought at the time ‘Ha! I have them now.’ But he was wrong.

You see, when Christ died, he took back the authority, dominion and power that Lucifer had taken for himself, and he restored you and me (and anyone else who accepts it) back into the manifest presence of God. Christ gave us our purpose back — our meaning for living — as members of the body of Christ and God’s family.

When I first started to discover this, things began to change in me.

Through God’s plan of redemption, I no longer needed to cry out for a special visitation. The Kingdom of God — His manifest presence — was already living in me. And because of that revelation, I can live in it daily.

It means that whatever storm I am walking through, I am never alone, and it also means that while in human terms, things may look impossible, in the presence of God, ALL things are possible.

When we choose to live in His presence daily in our workplaces, school, church and in every situation we walk into, we start to see things change. We are changed, and our situations and the people around us are changed too. And the reason is simple: God’s manifest presence is already here, and in God’s presence, anything is possible.

Christian Media, Christian Radio, Christianity, Devotional, Easter, Faith, Healing, Hope, Miracles

The ultimate sacrifice

Last week, the world watched in shock as a gunman took hostages in a French supermarket. There was a tense siege, and then in a remarkable act of courage, policeman Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Beltrame offered to step in and trade places with one of the hostages. As we now know, sadly Arnaud Beltrame was later shot by the gunman and died from his injuries.

Arnaud was willing to walk to his death by offering to swap places with a hostage victim who was being held by a man we now know was a terrorist declaring his allegiance to Islamic State. What an extraordinary act of courage! I would like to express our thoughts and prayers to Lt Col Arnaud Beltrame’s family and all those who have lost a love one in this tragedy.

This very sad story (although amazing in itself) reminds me of another even more extraordinary story that we find in the scriptures. It’s the story of a man called Jesus who was willing to leave all glory behind and come down here to earth to trade his life for the life of mankind.

In other words, he willingly swopped his life for ours to give us the opportunity to be freed from the enemy who was holding us hostage to sin.

John 15:13 tells us: ‘There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.’ We can say that Lt Col Arnaud Beltrame demonstrated an amazing sacrifice by being willing to give his life for hostages that were strangers to him. How amazing is that? And it is right that he is honoured.

But how much should we honour Jesus Christ? He not only became our ultimate sacrifice, but he actually chose and willingly gave himself up; yes even to the horrible death of the cross! Nothing that happened in his life was ever forced on him or came to him by surprise or even by accident, but it was all something Jesus consciously and willingly gave himself over to do. Jesus says very clearly in John 10: ‘No one takes My life from me… but I lay it down of myself.’ Isn’t it amazing that he would become our substitute so that you and I would live not just for the now, but for eternity?

Lt Col Arnaud’s incredible act of courage is almost hard for us to believe or understand, and although it can’t compare to the Gospel story, it paints a vivid picture to us and helps us to understand (in human terms) the extraordinary sacrifice Jesus made.

Jesus planned, pursued us, and in fact willingly gave himself in every detail, from his incarnation to his last breath on the cross. Jesus as the Good Shepherd came to give life and life abundantly, even as he voluntarily gave himself over to death so that sinners like me and you could be redeemed. I believe that is a good reason to trust him and to live also in humble gratitude, giving endless thanks to God the father who gave us His only son! Just the thought that God would spare His son to save someone like me makes me want to shout ‘Hallelujah! What a Saviour!’ I trust that you know that feeling too!

And so on Good Friday, as we mark the day that Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice, let us never forget the message of Easter: that Jesus not only took our place in dying for us, but he rose up triumphantly that you and I may not only have life but life to the full.

Happy Easter!


Christian Media, Christian Radio, Christianity, Devotional, Evangelism, Faith, Healing, Hope, Miracles, Prophecy, Spiritual healing

When God’s spirit moves

This week on UCB 1 and UCB 2, it has been our national appeal. We have been talking on air about 1 Kings 18 and the ‘sound of a mighty rainstorm’. All around us are small clouds and green shoots of the beginnings of revival, and we are expectant and excited to see what God is going to do.

What you won’t have heard on air is the move of God which has been happening in our own buildings here at UCB.

Last week, we invited Fergus Mcintyre, an itinerant pastor who has a prophetic ministry, to spend time with our staff, praying with each of them and speaking into their lives.

There is nothing like experiencing that refreshing ‘rain’ when the spirit of God touches and refreshes our lives!

As a result of these meetings, I have heard from so many of our team, who have been blessed by what God said to them. I truly believe this is where revival begins.

There is a famous saying: ‘Lord, send revival and let it start with me.’

When we each develop and grow our intimacy with God, He begins to pour His spirit out. In Joel, it says ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’

I believe these ‘last days’ are now, and can I encourage you to seek God for your own personal revival? When we have received it, we are then able to pass it on to others.

Here are a few stories from our team of what has happened to them in the past week.

Amy’s story (UCB Digital Designer)

In my life, I have struggled and felt a lot of pain, but I can always sense when others need help. When Fergus prayed for me, he told me I am a good listener and God trusts me. I can walk past someone and squeeze their hand and say, ‘I’m with you’ and they will feel God’s presence. This became really apparent during the appeal when I was able to listen and engage with our supporters on the phone. I was able to help a listener with a severe stammer through the donation process, and I was able to listen and let him know I was there to help. This confirmed many of the things Fergus said to me about listening and being trusted to help others through difficult situations.

Carl’s story (Prayerline Liaison Officer)

Over the past few years, I have been able to pray for many of the staff at UCB and have felt I could often feel other people’s pain. At first, I thought I was just imagining it, but when Fergus spoke to me, he said God wanted me to step up and tell people what I felt and then pray for them. Fergus told me that I was a ‘Barnabas’ and encouraged me to step out in faith, but at the same time, use discernment and speak wisely. A man I did not know at all was used to speak encouragement and blessing into my life.


Fergus spoke to me about how I’m very particular about all the jobs I do. I dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s as he put it. Whilst this is true, the thing is that however hard I try and whatever I do, I always feel like I’m not good enough – so I decided that I’d stay behind and ask Fergus if he’d pray with me about it.

We chatted, and very quickly Fergus uncovered the root of the problem. I grew up with a violent and overbearing, perfectionist father; everything had to be ‘just right’ all the time. Me and my siblings grew up constantly walking on eggshells, afraid to upset him, and whatever I achieved, it was never enough. The effect that growing up in this kind of environment has on you as a person is huge. And whilst I do feel that I have forgiven my dad for all this already, somehow I’ve just never been able to break free of the hold that it has over me. So, Fergus then prayed with me and asked me to speak out all the things, all the un-truths, that have ever been spoken over me and that I’ve believed.  Then the presence of God came over me in the most powerful way. The chains that have kept me bound since my childhood were broken, and I felt the most amazing sense of peace like I have never felt before. What I have to do now is to walk in the freedom and peace that God has graciously given me.

Paula’s story 

The last few months have been really difficult for me, and I’ve been fighting lots of battles. I knew that I needed to spend more time with God and rest, but I’ll admit, instead, I just made myself really busy. I was exhausted. I didn’t know what Fergus was going to say, but he started laughing and said I was the ’90-mile-an-hour lady,’ always on the go… and that God wanted me to slow down. He also said I’d been dealing with the weight of other people’s expectations, and God wanted to set me free from that. I honestly felt like a huge weight was lifted almost instantly as soon as he prayed, and this week has been truly incredible. There’s a tangible sense of God’s presence in the building, spontaneous prayer groups are breaking out, and I’ve been diving out of bed in the morning, excited to read my Bible and see what God has to say today. It’s amazing to see what God is doing. It’s not what God has done but what He is doing… this is just the beginning.


Can I encourage you to spend time seeking God in your own life? When His spirit touches our lives, everything changes. We are able to see with clarity, and we are able to pass this incredible presence of God on to others too.  This is where revival starts. As I said at the beginning ‘Lord, send revival and let it start with me’. 


Christian Media, Christian Radio, Christianity, Devotional, Faith, Healing, Hope, Miracles

In a time of terror, the Lord is the stronghold of my life

Just two weeks after the attack in Manchester, here we are again, facing more devastating news: ‘Terror strikes again in London Bridge – at least 6 people have died and more than 40 injured.’

First of all, our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected: individuals, families, emergency services, the communities nearby, our Capital city of London as well as our Prime Minister and government. How they need God’s wisdom and guidance as they deal with another horrific tragedy.

And for us, where do we find healing when our broken hearts seem unable to recover? As a country, we have barely understood one tragedy when yet another one hits. What can we do?

Well, for me personally, my only advice is to stand firmly upon God’s Word, for that is where I find my comfort and strength. God’s Word has been the anchor for my own family in times of desperate tragedy, and it is the one thing that we can ALWAYS rely on. God’s Word never changes, and it contains all we need for hope, comfort, healing, wisdom and guidance.

If you are fearful, grieving, or broken today, let the truth of God’s Word sink into your heart:

The Lord is MY light and MY salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will NOT fear, though war break out against me, even then I will be confident. (Psalm 27:1-3)

To me, in darkness and devastating times, the Lord is my source of light. That means He WILL guide and lead me. Darkness may be the symbol of distress, trouble, perplexity and sorrow, but light is the very opposite of these. God supplied King David with so much light that his very darkness disappeared and his way became brighter, even in a time of real trouble. If we allow God to invade our lives, He gives us His peace that surpasses all understanding, and He reminds us that He IS God, and when we are with Him, we are safe.

Today, you may be broken-hearted. Well let me tell you that He still heals broken hearts. I know because He healed mine. Psalm 147:3 says: ‘He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.’

The definition of ‘broken’ is ‘reduced to pieces’, fragmented, ruptured, torn, fractured, not functioning properly, out of working order.

Is this how you feel? Do you feel like your heart has been reduced to pieces? Ruptured? Broken? Destroyed? YOU ARE REALLY HURTING! It’s like your heart has been shattered into many pieces and you feel emotionally crippled. Ask God to help you, to strengthen you, and to heal you. Hand your situation over to Him, trust in Him, anchor yourself in His Word, and allow Him into the broken parts of your life.

He STILL heals the broken hearted! Why? Because He really loves you.

Our hearts and prayers today are with everyone who is broken, lost, and feels as though their lives have been shattered. The cry of our hearts is ‘Lord God, heal our land!

Christian Media, Christian Radio, Christianity, Devotional, Evangelism, Faith, Forgiveness, Healing, Hope

How to be a radical disciple

How to be a radical disciple.

A few weeks ago, it was wonderful to have Jarrod Cooper with us to speak at our Foundation event for leaders. We were so blessed by Jarrod’s ministry, and I have asked him to share a few thoughts this week as a guest blog. I hope this encourages you to be radical in your discipleship.


Radical disciples

God did not ask us to make ‘church members’, count ‘decisions’, or even have people say ‘the sinner’s prayer’ (not that I’m against any of those things necessarily). He actually told us to make disciples.

‘Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me!”’ Matt 16:24

A church member in some of today’s circles is more like the member of any social club. Some want to go to a certain church because it’s cool, big, glitzy or because it’s small, comfortable, not too demanding. All this has little to do with the real walk of faith and the real JESUS. In the gospels, we find that Jesus-followers entered into a deeply life-changing arrangement.

The disciples had to be…


Busy people gave up their jobs and plans to follow Jesus after a single request. Would you or I? He may not require everyone to give up their careers, but all will have to make space for the learning and mission of being a disciple.


Jesus told them ‘I will make you fishers of men.’ It was clear He was going to teach them. A disciple, by inference, has a teacher. If you are the leader, that’s you! Are we discipling our church members or filling in databases and doing hospital visits? Every church should be a training ground, and every Christian a soldier either in, or preparing for, battle.


Talented Peter went through some deep, humbling experiences. Disciples accept humility and brokenness as part of the journey. Pride is at the root of all sin and must be winkled out. God will line all of us up for some rejection, failure, and being overlooked. Are we teaching our people to handle it? Are we preaching brokenness and teaching repentance? Are we confronting sin? We’ve all got to pass that test (or keep retaking it!).


True discipleship involves some straight conversations. ‘Iron sharpens iron’, but soft, marshmallow conversations rarely change anyone deeply! Our society is so hooked on approval that often we don’t know what correction or discipline looks like any more, so we call it rejection. But correction is not rejection – it is protection. And discipline is not disapproval, it’s the removal of stuff that is going to harm you! ‘God disciplines those He loves’ (Hebrews 12:4-11) Are we raising disciples who will embrace correction and find life in it?


Jesus called His disciples ‘to be with him.’ Friendship with a more experienced man or woman of God and a group of fellow disciples is a vital part of healthy growth. Are we allowing a few to get close, to walk the walk with us, and not just listen on Sundays? You can’t be connected to everyone, but we all can disciple a few.


Another new word! Jesus ‘sent them out.’ Are we sending the troops somewhere, adventuring selflessly as part of a vision bigger than ourselves? Every true disciple is a missionary.

So are we raising disciples or gathering members? Some of us need to change the polarity of our relationship with our church members, because it should not be the leaders who are chasing around after members.

Instead, the leaders should be saying to others ‘Follow me, and I will make you…’ (Matthew 4:19). Leaders of the Church of the future won’t simply be carers and counsellors (though both are necessary), but pioneers who get a vision, make it plain for all to see, then march off to a brave new world with disciples following. In this way the Church will become more of a movement than a hospital. An army on the front line, not cadets locked in their barracks!

Christian Media, Christian Radio, Christianity, Faith, Healing, Hope, Miracles

Darkness will never extinguish the light! 

I am in France this week taking part in an exciting mission with Pastor Marc Declaudure’s churches in three townsL Saumur, Thouard, and Ludun. I woke up this morning, like many others, to devastating news headlines: Manchester Arena blast: 22 dead and a further 59 people were injured after another suspected terror attack.

Although I was born in France, I have lived in the UK for well over 40 years, and my wife and I raised our family here. The UK is our home.

I was in France in November 2015, when terrorists attacked Paris. And similar to that incident, I was in the middle of an exciting week of mission at my brother’s church then too. We were seeing incredible miracles, lives set free, and people committing their lives to Christ.

We were full of excitement at what God was doing, and then we heard the horrific news about Paris. Our hearts were broken, just as they are today for the people of Manchester, for all those who have been injured, for all those who have lost someone.

We are so thankful to live in a country that is able to respond quickly and with deep compassion in the face of a tragedy.

As Christians, we sometimes wonder what to say in the face of such a terrible situation. Today, I am again reminded of the words of Psalm 37, this very same Psalm that we read the Sunday morning after the attacks in Paris:

Do not fret because of those who are evil

or be envious of those who do wrong

Be still before the Lord

and wait patiently for him;

do not fret when people succeed in their ways,

when they carry out their wicked schemes.  

The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord;

he is their stronghold in times of trouble.

The Lord helps them and delivers them;

he delivers them from the wicked and saves them,

because they take refuge in him. 

How can we pray?

Firstly, let’s consider people. Let’s pray for those who are fighting for their lives. Let’s pray for the families and those who have lost someone they loved. Let’s also pray for those who witnessed the attack and for the local residents who have to come to terms with this enormous tragedy. Let’s pray also for the medical centres who are working with the injured.

Secondly, we need to pray for wisdom for our Governments as they discuss and debate what happens next: pray that they choose ways and responses which are inspired by God and not necessarily their own intuition.

Thirdly, let us always go to God’s Word for our answers. His Word (John 1:5) says that the darkness in the world will get darker, but that darkness will never extinguish light. In fact, it says that light (His light) will continue to shine brighter and the darkness CANNOT overcome it.

That is where I get my strength and hope. Let’s pray with passion for our world and all those who are suffering and grieving today.

And may God’s light, His inextinguishable light shine ever brighter in the middle of the darkness we see.